Are Wrist Blood Pressure Monitors Accurate?

One study found that wrist blood pressure monitors are less accurate than other monitors and inadequate for self-monitoring blood pressure.

So while it`s possible that a Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor can result in an accurate reading, these are not the best option for people who want to monitor their blood pressure for medical reasons. In general, wrist blood pressure monitors result in higher readings than other types of blood pressure monitors do.

This is because the wrist arteries are narrower and closer to the skin than the upper arm arteries are. Wrist blood pressure monitors are also more sensitive to body position than other types, and to get a precise reading, you need to hold your arm and your wrist at heart level the entire time.

For these reasons, your healthcare provider will likely recommend an arm cuff Blood pressure monitor to take blood pressure at home. Sometimes, a doctor may approve a wrist monitor for people with very large upper arms or who experience pain with arm readings.

How to Check Your Blood Pressure at Home

Your doctor may recommend you take your blood pressure at home on a regular basis. No matter what type of device you use, always follow the instructions of your healthcare provider and your specific device.

For the most accurate readings:

  • Support your arm so it`s at heart level (a table can help).
  • Rest your feet on the floor and don`t cross your legs.
  • Sit in a sturdy chair to support your back.
  • Don`t attempt to read your blood pressure if you`ve had caffeine, used a tobacco product, or exercised in the last 30 minutes.
  • Go to the bathroom and then rest for five minutes before taking the reading.